Thursday 18 April 2013

Preview on Sat. ;)

Not long till we are back in business, products are arriving and I am unpacking,
such an amazing feeling getting lots of new stuff and fresh soil,
so feel free to pop in for a little preview if you have time.

Preparations are now in full swing......

43 pallets of every imaginable type of soil and mulch is delivered in pouring rain.

...finally everything is offloaded and the rain stops. 
Here is one very happy dog who doesn´t have to worry about the tractor anymore, 
and seizes a little moment to play.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Last years opening.

Looking at these pictures I am reminded of all the anxiety of getting the place cleaned up. 
You can almost smell the fresh paint looking at the pictures.

Preparing for the garden plants which almost took a month before they could survive and thrive.
The supporting poles to hold the fence could not even be put properly in place because the ground was still frozen :)

We opened despite temperatures being well below minus, taking mainly in flowers we knew could handle the cold. 
These first flowers were set on trollies so that they easily were taken in and out, and got all wrapped up in the evenings. 
Some tender plants even got to come home with us esp. when temperatures dropped under -7 or so.

Salix Kilmanock knew despite the cold, that spring and warmth was on its way.

Easter is so early this year that I will not be opening up before the later part of April.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Spring is in the air

Despite it was snowing today the seeds know that spring is in the air ;)

Phacelia sprung out in two days, hope these little honey producers manage to wait 
till the weather warms and then enjoy the cool Norwegian summer.